Website Management

Consistency is Everything: Especially for Your Business Website

Consistency builds success: One gym visit won't sculpt, and one effort won't build love. Commit daily, and reap rewards.

Atlas Amari

Atlas Amari

December 7th, 2023

I would like to touch on a subject that each one of us struggles with today.


Consistency in life. Consistency in relationships. Consistency in business.

Being consistent is a fine balance, we must strive to master daily. If you only go to the gym one time, you won’t look like a bodybuilder. To have a successful relationship with your significant other, you must work on the relationship. And you’re probably not going to make $1,000,000 your first year in running your own business. But these are areas where being consistent will simply help you try to be better than you were yesterday.

The same goes for your website.

Let’s say, for example, you’re a hardcore athlete, and your body is your temple. You train daily. You eat right. You do your best to be the best. Ask yourself this…for all the hard work I do, would I eat an entire cake, two dozen doughnuts and five pies just for fun? Kind of counterproductive! Right?

The same is true with your website. You’ve got to cultivate it. Freshen it up. Make revising your website part of your routine. Just like your body, your website is NOT just a “set it and forget it.” You’ve got to keep it moving.

But why?

It’s a good question. It’s a website. Why do I have to keep it fresh? I built it. I’m done. End of story. Let’s move on.

No! You’ve got to change the content on your site regularly and consistently for a few reasons:

It allows search engines to keep track of you and find you

Bar none, this is the most critical reason why you must keep your website updated. If you have a website that is changing consistently and being updated with new, relevant, fresh content on a regular basis, the search engine will favour you in its results. It’s a content-based world. You must get on board! If you decide not to, you will surely fall down in the rankings.

Is your business busy, busy, busy? If so, show it off!

Your company is still productive and successful. Right? So why is the last thing you posted on your website from 2019? If I come to a website and see that you had a charity event from 2019, and that is the last piece of news I can find, I’m thinking you’re not really doing anything anymore or maybe even you’re out of business. You’ve got to let your customers know what you’re doing. Show them where you’ve been and how far you’ve come. It not only benefits them, but it also gives you a timeline of your growth.

Attractive Content is Sharable Content

Let me ask you a question.

Would you rather read about grandma’s doily she just crocheted or about how someone took a 20 to multi-million dollar clothing business, but that’s just me.

Once you have content that is attractive and interesting, more people are going to want to share it on their social networks and discuss it. You’ll be creating shareable content, which will, in turn, help your company attract and keep more customers.

The next question you should be asking yourself is: How can I keep my website content fresh?

Here are a few ideas of how to keep the content fresh on your website.

Blog, Blog and Blog

A blog is a great way of adding new content regularly, even if it’s just once a week. You may find it difficult to find topics to write about, but think about the industry you’re in. What are the interests of your potential customers? Who’s your demographic? It doesn’t have to be a direct sales piece. Write about what’s relative to your company and share it. People are interested in what other people are saying. Establish your voice for your niche.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Come get your company news!

Don’t even think for a second that your company doesn’t have anything interesting to share. You might have just served your 10th customer; you might have hired a new creative director; you’re doing charity work as a company; or you produced a new piece of work you want to exhibit. You can use any of these as news stories to keep your website fresh and potentially gain more views and engagement on your site. Keep your customers and the search engines happy.

O Portfolio, Portfolio! Wherefore art thou Portfolio?

Whether you’re a law firm, a deli or a landscape company, you’ve got to have photos and/or video of what you do. People invest in people, and it’s absolutely critical that you have a portfolio or media section on your site where you can add content regularly to show your user base what you’ve been up to. You can add tutorials, product demonstrations, and pictures of events you’ve held. Now even though search engines don’t actually search photos and videos, you can add a description to each new piece of content, letting them know you’ve got new stuff ready to be shown.

Where’s the Proof?!

Let’s step back for a moment and think about how many people you’ve helped. How many people would vouch for you and your services? Well, if you’re not documenting these testimonials, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Show your potential clients what others are saying about you. Go back and write personal emails to your clients and ask them to write a brief testimonial. I’m sure that you will receive amazing words that you can publish on your website. Your product will start selling itself!

How many pages should your website have? More than you think.

It’s pretty simple…the more content you have on your website, the more likely you are to increase your search engine rankings. But how can you avoid overdoing it? Remember, you want to add content that is relevant to your space. A good example might be if your industry is technical, you might choose to include a resources section, which could be updated regularly with industry developments. The more content the better. Content is king!

We’ve gone over many ways to keep your website content fresh. Now it’s your duty to your business to make the decisions to get and create the best content you can and get as many people to engage with you as possible.

So remember, just like everything else – consistency with your website is just like any other aspect of your life. Keep working at it and you’ll be a master in no time. Practice makes perfect.

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Atlas Amari

Atlas Amari

Atlas is a skilled developer specializing in JavaScript, TypeScript, and Next.js. Proficient in crafting interactive websites and high-converting landing pages, Atlas leverages technologies such as Tailwind CSS, GraphQL, and Firebase to deliver seamless digital experiences.

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