
Insights: Discover the stories behind the solutions.

Is Your Website Losing You Money? Signs You Need an Upgrade
Is Your Website Losing You Money? Signs You Need an Upgrade

Imagine we're sipping cocktails at a cozy little spot downtown, and I start telling you about something that’s costing businesses just like yours a surprising amount of money.

April 25th, 2024
Website Design Don'ts: Is Your Site Scaring Customers Away?
Website Design Don'ts: Is Your Site Scaring Customers Away?

Frustrated, you leave without purchasing anything. Just as this disorganization drove you away in person, similar mistakes in website design can scare away your potential online customers.

April 22nd, 2024
Get Ahead of the Curve: Tech Trends for Small Business Success
Get Ahead of the Curve: Tech Trends for Small Business Success

I want to take you on a journey through the latest technological trends that are not just reshaping the global market but are particularly pivotal for small businesses like yours.

April 18th, 2024
Don't Be a Victim: Outsmart Email Scammers
Don't Be a Victim: Outsmart Email Scammers

Suddenly, you spot a message that looks slightly off, claiming you need to reset your password. What would you do?

April 15th, 2024
Is Your Website Broken? Essential DIY Troubleshooting
Is Your Website Broken? Essential DIY Troubleshooting

Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you visit a website and it doesn't work properly?

April 11th, 2024
The Online Business Starter Toolkit - Essential (and Affordable) Tools I Swear By
The Online Business Starter Toolkit - Essential (and Affordable) Tools I Swear By

There are a million things to think about. But fear not, fellow entrepreneur! The secret weapon you need is the right set of tools.

April 3rd, 2024
Do You Need a Website or a Web App? Understanding the Difference
Do You Need a Website or a Web App? Understanding the Difference

In today's digital world, having an online presence isn't optional, but what's the best way to establish it?

March 29th, 2024
Website Building 101: Choosing the Right Tools for Your Business
Website Building 101: Choosing the Right Tools for Your Business

Ever feel the pressure to have a killer online presence, but the process of building a website seems shrouded in mystery? The truth is, that building a website can be surprisingly simple.

March 26th, 2024
Landing Pages That Convert: A Beginner's Blueprint
Landing Pages That Convert: A Beginner's Blueprint

Good news, creating a landing page that converts visitors into paying customers or loyal subscribers isn't rocket science. Let me explain the how and why.

March 21st, 2024
Email Hosting: The Unsung Hero of Your Online Empire
Email Hosting: The Unsung Hero of Your Online Empire

Ever lost an important message when your free email went down? Frustrated by spam cluttering your inbox? These issues aren't just annoying, they hurt your business.

March 15th, 2024
Demystifying GraphQL: A Beginner's Guide
Demystifying GraphQL: A Beginner's Guide

Slow website killing your business? What if there was a way to fix it, making it faster and easier to manage, all without needing a computer science degree?

March 12th, 2024
Tailwind CSS: Simplifying Styling for Modern Web Design
Tailwind CSS: Simplifying Styling for Modern Web Design

Website design is tough! Traditional CSS is complex and frustrating. There's got to be a better way to create a sleek website.

March 8th, 2024
Next.js: Unlocking the Power of React for Web Development
Next.js: Unlocking the Power of React for Web Development

In today's fast-paced digital world, a slow or hard-to-find website can cost you customers. Are you frustrated by these common website problems?

March 5th, 2024
Mastering Landing Page Design
Mastering Landing Page Design

Landing page design isn't just about visuals. It's a blend of psychology, compelling copy, and strategic testing that turns visitors into customers.

March 2nd, 2024
The Importance of Email Hosting for Business Success
The Importance of Email Hosting for Business Success

Many businesses unknowingly sabotage themselves with free email accounts. It's like showing up to a board meeting in sweatpants – not a good look!

February 28th, 2024
The Modern Homepage
The Modern Homepage

Homepages: the digital first impression. One click, one judgment. Make it count. Craft a captivating intro, or watch them bounce.

December 13th, 2023
Workflows Comparison: Git Flow Vs GitHub Flow
Workflows Comparison: Git Flow Vs GitHub Flow

Code needs revision, not revolution! We build with Git, where every step's a chapter, every tweak a footnote. Repeatable, reviewable, mastery through iteration.

December 13th, 2023
Your Website is The Most Important Marketing Tool for Your Business
Your Website is The Most Important Marketing Tool for Your Business

Marketing maze got you lost? Build your digital HQ first! A killer website anchors your brand attracts leads and shines brighter than any scattered campaign. Invest wisely, and win strategically.

December 11th, 2023
Treat Your Database Like Code
Treat Your Database Like Code

Code gets the love: organized, tracked, versioned. But databases? Often neglected, are the silent heroes in the background. Time to give them their due!

December 9th, 2023
Consistency is Everything: Especially for Your Business Website
Consistency is Everything: Especially for Your Business Website

Consistency builds success: One gym visit won't sculpt, and one effort won't build love. Commit daily, and reap rewards.

December 7th, 2023
Angular versus React: Which is right for your project?
Angular versus React: Which is right for your project?

JavaScript breathes life into static web pages (think maps, animations, videos), but with various frameworks & libraries, devs duke it out over the ultimate coding crown. Who wins?

December 5th, 2023
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